FILM 234—34/2
Images that pass through us leave enduring imprints, molding our thoughts and emotions. These transient images may seem to vanish from our consciousness, but perhaps they're frozen deep within our minds—both present and elusive. Throughout the film, a guiding voice leads on a journey to unfreeze these images. A frozen image exists in a paradoxical state of presence and absence, evoking a sense of foreignness. The film delves into how images silently influence and shape our behaviors, often beyond our conscious awareness.
Film Festivals/Exibitions
Royal Academy Edinburgh 2019, Currents New Media, Santa Fe New Mexico, 2019
Traverse Video Artist and Experimental Film Festival Toulouse, 2019
Film Festivals/Exibitions
Royal Academy Edinburgh 2019, Currents New Media, Santa Fe New Mexico, 2019
Traverse Video Artist and Experimental Film Festival Toulouse, 2019